
A Waikato Thing
Welcome to our limited episode podcast series.
Series One
Series one is about some of the incredible natural phenomena in our region and connected areas.
When you understand natural processes better and how our human interaction leads to them being potential hazards and risks, it gives you tools to better manage these and makes you more resilient in your life.
This way of expressing the importance of getting to know our region better came from Graham Leonard, Principal Scientist at GNS Science, a key participant in this podcast. Graham joins many experts on the podcast to share their research, life experience and information from some of the projects they've been or are part of.
Start with an overview of the forces that shape Aotearoa New Zealand and the Waikato Region. Discover the benefit of understanding the forces at play, go behind the scenes with NZ's expert on warnings, find out about earthquake weather and get a masterclass on what to look for in the stories of Maori and their place in understanding the mighty Waikato.
- Episode 1 - Introduction
- Episode 2 - Volcano Part 1
- Episode 3 - Volcano Part 2
- Episode 4 - Earthquakes
- Episode 5 - Tsunami
- Episode 6 - Severe Weather
Episodes go live each Friday. You can listen here on our podcast player, or on your usual podcast streamer. Show notes links are added below over the course of the series.
Show Links
What to tell other people in a volcanic event
What to know about a volcanic emergency (multiple languages)
GNS Science volcano information
Te Papa exhibit video showing Taupo explosion
Teach kids about calderas and tsunami in a sand and water paddling pool
Using Magma Drillers Save Planet Earth
The scientists who created Magma Drillers Save Planet Earth introduce the project
Show Links
Great animated video from GNS Science intro to plates and earthquakes
What to do in an earthquake in New Zealand
What to know about earthquakes (101)
What to know about earthquakes (nerdy version)
Sign up for New Zealand ShakeOut
Key moments in NZ earthquake history: Hawke's Bay 1931
Key moments in NZ earthquake history: Darfield (Canterbury) 2010
Key moments in NZ earthquake history: Christchurch 2011
Show Links
In this episode, hear from the following experts, in order of appearance:
- GNS Science Natural Hazard and Risk Team Leader and member of the national Tsunami Advisory Group and Tsunami Working Group, Graham Leonard
- Waikato Regional Council Regional Resilience Lead, Rick Liefting
- Thames-Coromandel District Council Emergency Management Controller, Garry Towler
- Waikato Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Public Information Manager and Hazards Lead, Alicia Roberts
- Director and Senior Social Scientist for Canary Innovation, and co-Chair of the World Meteorological Organisational High Impact Weather Project, Sally Potter
- GNS Science Senior Marine Geohazard Researcher Suzanne Bull
- Waikato-Tainui's Rahui Papa
Regional Hazards Portal tsunami map
Coromandel Peninsula tsunami information
National tsunami evacuation zones
Learn more about tsunami (multiple languages including Sign Language)
Learn more about our tsunami monitoring and detection network
Public tsunami information from the National Emergency Management Agency
Show Links
Severe Weather
In this episode, hear from the following experts, in order of appearance:
- Waikato-Tainui's Rahui Papa
- MetService Head of Communication, Lisa Murray
- Director and Senior Social Scientist for Canary Innovation, and co-Chair of the World Meteorological Organisational High Impact Weather Project, Sally Potter
- Waikato Regional Council Regional Resilience Leader, Rick Liefting
- Waikato Regional Council Regional Resilience Specialist, Natural Hazards, Whitney Mills
- Thames-Coromandel District Council Emergency Management Controller, Garry Towler
- University of Waikato Senior Research Fellow at the AI Institute, and Waikato Regional Council Senior Hazard and Disaster Risk Advisor, Phil Mourot
The MetService NZ Weather app allows users to receive updates for extreme weather events (red warnigs and thunderstorm warnings) and extreme fire danger risk in partnership with Fire and Emergency.
Check out our Facebook page for up-to-date warnings
Waikato Regional Council Flood Room Live
When the Flood Room Live is activated, it combines the official MetService information with nuanced regional and local information from our hydrologists, councils and agencies (such as MPI and NZTA).
Waikato's flood protection systems (there are over 90 individual land drainage schemes) include stopbanks, floodgates, pump stations, spillways and channels, all linked and managed by computer monitoring of river levels and flows.
What to do before, during and after a storm (multiple languages)
Storms can happen any time of the year. They can bring strong winds, heavy rain or snow, thunder, lightning, tornadoes and rough seas. Find out what to do before, during and after a storm.
What to do before, during and after flooding (multiple languages)
Floods happen often in New Zealand and can cause a lot of damage and loss of life. Find out what to do before, during and after flooding.
Coastal Flooding (inundation) information from the regional council
Check out which areas are susceptible to coastal inundation, both now and in the future with projected sea level rise.
Landslides in the Waikato region
Learn more about the Taiao AI project
New Zealand data and environmental scientists using artificial intelligence to solve some of the biggest environmental issues facing New Zealand.
More on impact-based warnings from Dr Sally Potter (YouTube)
Dr Sally Potter explains impact-based forecasts and warnings that provide information about what the weather might DO rather than what the weather will BE. This enables people to take actions to try and reduce the impacts of weather events.