Strategic Plan
Waikato CDEM Group Strategic Plan review
Waikato Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Strategic Group Plan - Mahere Mahuki a te Rōpū Raru-Ohotata 2025-2030
Waikato Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group is undertaking a review of our Strategic Group Plan, which sets out the priorities for regional emergency management for the next five years. It is reviewed every five years. The Strategic Group Plan guides the focus and priorities for emergency management in your community.
The Waikato CDEM Group area spans from south of Auckland to south of Taupō, from the west coast of Mokaū to Port Waikato, through to the eastern coast of the Coromandel Peninsula.
Get involved in the review process
There will be an opportunity to have your say and make a submission to the Draft Waikato CDEM Group Strategic Plan between 7 April to 9 May 2025.